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Thames & Hudson

Bad Apple

Apple Grumble

Apocalypse Ready

Mouse's Wood

Thames & Hudson publishing company commissioned a range of promotional materials surrounding some of their popular titles. From kids books to handy how-to guides, each project has been a joy to work on. 


2D Animated short teasers.

Bad apple

I developed a series of three mini animations showcasing just how bad this apple really is! Bad Apple is a book by Huw Lewis Jones and Ben Sanders. Bringing this character to life from the illustration work was a very fun and exuberant process. 


apple grumble

Introducing a new character in the bad apple series, Granny Smith! Apple Grumble allowed me to expand upon my skills in character led animation from the Bad Apple series.  

apocalypse ready

This teaser was made to promote Taras Young's book Apocalypse Ready, a unique survival guide drawn from existing government archives from across the globe.  


A serene and simple teaser for Mouse's Wood, a book by Alice Melvin. The animation and sound design were such calming pieces to craft. 

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