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The Last Jackolantern

Animated Credits sequence


Director: Will Grave 

Jackolantern is a film which tells the story of a pumpkin that survives Halloween and lives on the streets of London with a homeless man. But, will they make it to Christmas?


I was personally brought onto this project to create the credits sequence. This is a fully hand-animated section of the film that depicts our main characters Jack and Adam saving Christmas trees from the streets. 


2D hand drawn Animated credits sequence.


The goal of the animation was to bring a playful end to a serious toned film. It was important to us that viewers were engaged and felt connected to the message of the film. 


We believe the animation credits were successful in achieving this. We created something that felt light and whimsical, that left viewers with a joyous feeling.

Adam concept test
Jack Concept artwork
Adam stance tests.
Jack concept artwork.
Adam concept sketch.
Adam concept artwork.
Jack concept test.
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