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Music video 


Artist - Golden Roots

Produced by Bobby Kang

Lyrics by Golden Roots

Co-written by G.S. Nawepindiya


Cinematography by Soulful Media


Co-directed by Gagandeep Chahal & Sanvir Chana 

I had the opportunity to be a part of the making of Caste, a powerful live action music video that portrays the harsh realities of the caste system in the South Asian diaspora. As the Co-Director, I was responsible for the storyboarding, planning and shooting of the protagonist's story, with the help of a talented group of professionals. It was an amazing experience that allowed me to grow as a filmmaker and create a unique and powerful visual experience.


Shooting, Art Direction and drawn storyboards.

stills & concept

We utilized a variety of camera angles and movement techniques to capture the intended emotion of the song.


The music video was shot over the course of 3 days and was a true collaboration. We worked closely with the artist and his label to ensure that his vision was realized. We also worked with talented actors to bring the story to life.

Hark1karan Golden Roots Kodak Portra 400  Pentax K1000 - 50mm
Caste behind the scenes Golden Roots
Caste clip
Caste behind the scenes Golden Roots
Caste behind the scenes Golden Roots
Caste behind the scenes Golden Roots
Caste behind the scenes Golden Roots
Caste clip
Caste behind the scenes Golden Roots

'Despite the financial and educational evolution of the South Asian diaspora, we can evidently see the relevance of Caste in today’s day and age, more visibly in the plight faced by community activists such as Banta Singh and Nodeep Kaur, as well as in the long list of gang-rape and murder victims in India.

Our project aims to create a voice for these people, share their plight, and help tackle this taboo subject head-on, whist addressing why as a globally educated and cultivated South Asian community, we are still victims to this socially conditioned mindset.' - Golden Roots

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